It’s been 5 months since the last Angry Video Game Nerd episode review. 5 months since the last entry in a little pet project that on the surface seems so absurd yet when you think about it makes so much sense, as his “reviews” are really their own cinematic pieces beyond the nature of just being reviews in and of themselves.
So, what happened? The short answer is the same thing that happened to everything else around here; total burnout. Yeah, it hit everything hard. I’ve been intending to get back to these sooner but, as you would expect, things get in the way. That’s fine, they aren’t urgent and I’ve been trying not to push myself too hard to write things or else I’ll get into the same rut I just got out of.
So, to answer the question: When are the episode reviews coming back?
The answer: Very soon. Probably tonight or tomorrow if I feel up to it. The bigger thing is just the fact of what episode is next (Super Mario Bros. 3) and I really want to approach that one the right way, given just how “epic” the episode is!
I have fun with the reviews (which is why I even do them) but other things have been taking up my priority list. Still, I figure once I get going again I’ll probably have a regular rate of these coming out, if not to play catch up simply for the fun of it, alongside other similar content.
As I always say, the point of this site is for me to have fun, and these entries are fun. I just have to be in the right mood for them, that’s all.More to come, as always.

One last reminder: I write these for the fun of it. I enjoy the absurdity of the idea in and of itself. If you don’t get that, move along — there’s nothing for you here.