Month: November 2016

It’s Hard To Find A NES Classic Edition – What Did You Expect?

So the NES Classic edition (or “NES Mini” as so many people want to stupidly call it) was released today, November 11th, and just as should have been expected, it’s incredibly hard to find one now. Really, what did you expect? In virtually every case where Nintendo releases something major, it’s snagged up instantly. The […]

Finally, A Successful Launch for WorldView-4

After a nearly 2 month delay, the Worldview 4 satellite successfully launched today into a sun-synchronous polar orbit. Worldview 4 is an Earth Imaging satellite owned by Digital Globe, which will provide nearly double the imaging resolution currently available in non-military satellite imagery. This was a mission made up of delays, it would seem:  A […]

The 2016 Election

As I start typing this, it is 1:50AM, central time, here in the United States, and Donald Trump has just been elected as the 45th President of the United States of America. The second half of this post will be written upon waking up, but I want to express myself on this. This will, as […]

Rumor: WiiU Production Ends This Week

I am not one to follow the rumor train – generally they are all just wild fantasies that someone gets wind of and spreads it like fact, when it’s clearly unlikely. Generally though, rumors of the end of production on hardware and software tend to be true more often than not. In this case, just […]