So, in my drive to constantly provide my opinion (for what it’s worth) on everything I like (or don’t like, in some cases) I’ve had the crazy idea to review every single Angry Video Game Nerd episode. That’s right, every single one.
Why? Well, why not? Why not detail the evolution of the show, and address James’s coverage of these games both as his character and his own personal thoughts, while comparing that with my own, where I may have opinions on a game.
Will this be fun? Probably. It gives me a reason to watch every single episode yet again. Will it be tedious? Probably. Will I nitpick every single thing in the episodes? Hardly. I will however give an overall rating to each episode, and try to figure out, in my opinion, which episodes are really the best.

Okay, it’s a clip from the AVGN Movie. Still, I need to get around to reviewing it again, as well.
It’s been 10 years since that web series “got big” and became super popular. I’ve been a fan since about 2009, and the show started, as a one-off project, in 2004. James has been working on this for a long time, and I’ve enjoyed it through the years. Might as well really say what I have to on the whole thing, much as he, and others, have, reviewing movies, games, and more.
Besides, it’s fun to do.