This is it. This is what many feel is the episode that really got the nerd going – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This is a game I actually happened to have as a kid, and let me tell ya, what he complains about in the video is quite valid. For such a well loved game, it’s funny just how hard, and at times, downright bad it can be. Other times it is actually an awesome game – the music is amazing, at the very least – but nostalgia tends to make even the worst things at least somewhat likable in gaming, if you had that game or accessory as a kid.

One of the many “WTF” situations present in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the NES.
The writing in the episode, while a little flawed, flows pretty well. James seemed to start to get his stride about this time (at least, for what would be the classic nerd style) and something about this episode and its commentary seems to come from the heart, much more than the previous episodes.
It’s like he’s truly been upset since 1990 about the quality of this game. This episode also contains a good rant about the fact that the game has very little to do with the show, something that for a licensed game, is somewhat critical. Otherwise, it follows pretty standard nerd style, but seems to deliver just perfectly. Something about the genuine feel James has while venting about the game just makes the frustration all the more hilarious.
That ending rant is just perfection.

You need plenty of beer for a game like this.
Final Rating: 4.0/5
This episode marks the beginning of the “first wave” of nerd episodes that really shined – it’s a classic and a must-see for old nerd episodes – hell, if this is the first episode someone sees, it’s a perfect introduction.
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