Today’s review is going to be short and to the point. Today we take a look at the Nerd’s review of Double Dragon 3: The Sacred Stones, on the NES.

Double Dragon 3
James covers this game directly, and gets his frustration out from the start – the game is just too damned hard, and when compared to the first two games in the series, this difficulty spike diminishes the quality of the game. From there, we have other issues, like plot segments slowing gameplay down, and the infamous “Jimmy and Bimmy” issue in the naming of the characters on some of the games screens, but otherwise, his core focus is the sheer difficulty and lack of fairness or second chances – one life, no continues, beat the game or lose.

Bimmy. Jimmy and Bimmy. FREAKING BIMMY .
James also addresses some technical issues with the game and the NES, and acknowledges that the game gives you extra characters, but those characters are completely useless.
Final Rating: 3.5/5
Joke delivery is solid, and the Nerd character stays angry the whole time, this episode is short, sweet, and to the point. You can really feel the honest hatred for this game in Jame’s voice, but at the same time, his constant wish and hope that it could be good and that maybe he might enjoy it this time, which is of course never the case.