That’s one hell of a title, isn’t it? Alright, this is the first of the “odd” Nerd episodes, and requires quite a bit of explanation:
This episode is technically the first “Angry Video Game Nerd” episode, but it wouldn’t be until the next episode where James would actually directly address a game on a system other than the original Nintendo Entertainment System. Still, this episode does cover a variety of games, and some movies, which have extremely odd sequel numbering and titling.

This episode doesn’t really have any images to work with, so just enjoy this bit of related art.
From Mario to Mega Man, from Rocky to Rambo, James covers the gamut of odd titling, give or take a few minor flubs here or there. It’s worth noting this video is a product of its time – there are some jokes listed in the video that, amazingly, actually came true! Jokes wound up becoming reality. In hindsight this is just funny, but at the time, it was the beginning of the “let’s bring back long dormant movie series” trend… but the less I go into that one, the better.
I won’t spoil this one, it’s an odd episode, not like any of the others, but the comments made in the video are valid. I’m glad this kind of went nowhere, save for off mentions here and there.
Final Rating: N/A
I honestly just can’t rate this one, one way or the other. It’s barely part of the series if you ask me, beyond being given the namesake, it’s just kind of its own thing. Take of it what you will. It’s enjoyable, don’t get me wrong, but it just isn’t really an AVGN video – it’s more of just a “James Rolfe talks about something that annoys him” kind of a video.
It works if you think about it.
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