The Computer Chronicles – Web Plugins (1998)

With the death of Flash coming in a few years, it only felt right to share (as I did in the previous article) this episode of the Computer Chronicles from 1998 discussing web plugins – after all, that’s how Flash got started, as a web browser plugin.

Oh, those were the days. Granted to a degree we still have web plugins plaguing our online experience, but it’s not quite the same as it was back in the 90’s and early 2000’s. The internet, as far as multimedia is concerned, is finally starting to get fully standardized, with most of what’s needed built into the browsers by default. Back in the 90’s though, depending on what you wanted to do you might need to install several pieces of software to get things working, even for what you would think would be an identical task, all because of the differences each product vendor decided to implement.

It’s kind of hard to describe without you having been there in that time. Of course, that’s the point of me sharing these videos – to take you back to a slice of that time, and in this case, late 1997 to early 1998 web browsing.


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