Finally, we reach the end of the Angry Video Game Nerd’s reviews of the various early Ghostbusters games! It only took 3 episodes but clearly this is something James was passionate about. Maybe as a kid he had several of these games and once he got older he discovered that nearly every single Ghostbusters game was terrible? Who knows.

Ghostbusters 2 on the NES. It’s better than the first one.
In any case, this time we get reviews of Ghostbusters 2 for the NES (spoiler, it sucks), and Ghostbusters on Sega Genesis (which while not great doesn’t suck as badly.) James continues with some pretty funny jokes regarding these games, as well as a few cultural references (read, Elvis lip and the NES Advantage controller) but otherwise keeps things rather focused.

By the end he was beyond fed up. Note the shirt and the toys around him.
He does bring up some valid complaints, like the NES Ghostbusters II not having a pause button, with typical AVGN humor, but he never really strays too far away from focusing on the review. It’s a solid mix, I’d say.
Final Rating: 3.5/5
The episode does what it needs to do – cover 2 Ghostbusters games that aren’t like the original version he spent the past 2 episodes going on, while also finishing up some commentary on all of the games overall (comparing Map screens in the Genesis and NES games, for example). James also mentions a few odd coincidences in the films, the actors, and the possibility of a Ghostbusters 3 which, at that time, still seemed somewhat like it could happen. Of course, now this pretty much impossible, but hindsight is 20/20.
A good finisher to a set of episodes that, in retrospect, could have been spaced out more, but at the same time do a damn fine job covering 8 and 16 bit Ghostbusters games.
As a bonus, I’m including both the original and the “higher quality” upload here for you to check out. To me, the higher quality upload, while at a higher resolution, actually looks worse than the original thanks to the contrast being slightly off. I’ll leave it to you to compare and watch the one you want to. Enjoy!