Tying Up Loose Ends – An Update

I’ve mentioned before on how I have quite a few article sets that I have yet to finish. I’ve been known to come back to articles at random times, in some cases months between entries. As it stands now, though, I’m thinking I should try before the year is out to get the remainder of these article sets completed.

Namely, 3 sets that really need to be done before I continue. Those would happen to be:

  1. The “Worst Person I’ve Ever Worked With” series, the story of a person who was at my previous job for only a few weeks, but has to go down, somewhat hilariously, as the single worst person I’ve had the misfortune of working with.
  2. The “What you get wrong about copyright” series, where I try to discuss (within my understanding) the nuances of blatant violation of copyright law; something you think people would get, but you’d be amazed how often they don’t.
  3. The repair of my Melcor calculator from the 70’s – I did part 1 of the repair, but never showed the end result. I’m overdue for that, for sure, as it should be a quick write up. Go figure.

I’m sure there are more that I’ve started and haven’t finished, but these would be the 3 main ones I can think of for now. I’d rather get what I can out of the way soon, and start off 2018 with as clean a slate as possible.

Hey, no better time than the present to prepare for the future, right? Damn, that was actually deeper than it needed to be for a filler blog article.


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