Whoa, the Nerd covering a PlayStation Game? Man, 2007 really was a year of growth and expansion for James and the Angry Video Game Nerd. Right, getting to the point, in this episode we have Independence Day for the Sony PlayStation.

Behold, the polygons.
It’s a pretty average game – that sub-par kind of average, from the looks of it. I’d imagine it’s playable, but you won’t remember much about it. Hell, I barely remember much about this episode which, as funny as it is, seems to be lost in the fold between Die Hard and Simpsons Games, the previous and next episodes.
James is pretty on the ball here, perfectly exuding the frustrations of just trying to play a game that’s should be cool, but is just bland and average. To have this compared to Top Gun and James prefer Top Gun, if only for nostalgia, really does well to demonstrate the feelings of those of us who really enjoy old games.

James took an interesting approach in this episode by simulating him playing the game on his TV. Not a bad effect for the time!
Final Rating: 3/5
This is a short but sweet episode – I can’t say much else about it, jokes are good, the game is shown well enough, and James’ delivery is solid. It’s only 6 minutes, but it’s a fun 6 minutes. Check it out.
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