Month: January 2018

60 Years Ago, The Launch Of Explorer 1: America’s Entry Into Space

In the late evening, just an hour before midnight on January 31st, 1958, the United States launched it’s first satellite – Explorer 1. Explorer 1 was our answer to Sputnik 1 and 2. At least, it was our successful answer – our previous attempt, Vanguard TV3, ended in a very famous disastrous failure barely leaving […]

The Computer Chronicles – Simulator Software (1983)

Ah, simulation software. Flight simulators, driving simulators, space simulators… you think of it, someone has probably coded a simulator for it. Hell, there’s even a joke name for a genre of game today called “walking simulator” where most of what you do is simply, well, walk. Computer simulations hold an interest to gamers in that […]

Bits And Bytes – Program 10: Computer Music

The computers of the 80’s are somewhat well known for the unique sounds they produced. While CD quality audio and digital sound samples are the order of the day now, and have been for several decades, in the early days of computers sounds, and thus, music, were produced via internal hardware that directly generated tones […]

Thirty Three


What’s that? It’s January 31st? Well, looks like I’ve survived another trip around the Solar System, as some would say. Awesome. I did have some crazy long post I wanted to make regarding this, but I couldn’t word it correctly. Something about it all just didn’t feel right as a way to celebrate. What I […]

The Amazing Success Of The Rocket Lab “Electron” Launch Vehicle

In a bit of rocketry news that I’m long overdue for writing about, back on January 21st, 2018, the New Zealand company Rocket Lab had the first successful launch of their Electron rocket – a booster designed to launch very small payloads into Earth orbit. Not only does this mark New Zealand’s entry into orbital […]

Spin Street Has Closed And Why That Doesn’t Surprise Me In The Least

I mentioned early last November that Spin Street, a well known local music and video store here in Memphis, was closing. That event finally happened on the 25th of January – right at the end of the financial year. On that day, Spin Street closed its doors after 2 months of some quite intense liquidation […]

The Good That Will Come From The YouTube Partner Program Changes

Okay, I’ve spent a good bit of time tearing down the YouTube Partner Program changes. I’m not going to lie, I was rather upset by them initially myself – I still think the principle of creating these kinds of limits to people earning any money via Adsense, SuperChat, or any other built into YouTube feature […]

Atlas V SBIRS GEO-4 Launch Highlights

Here we have, as always, the launch highlights from last weeks Atlas V SBIRS launch. It was an early evening launch with spectacular views, as is usually the case for an Atlas V launch. This particular clip is interesting to me in that this being Launch Complex 41, it’s the same one that Cassini, and […]

Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 31: Bugs Bunny’s Birthday Blowout – Episode Review

Time for another episode in the same style as Spider-Man or the 2006 Halloween episodes – this one is another one split between gameplay footage and a review, and some live action storytelling with James and his friend Mike Matei. In this case, the game being covered is “Bugs Bunny’s Birthday Blowout,” a game released […]

Why Does It Matter How Much Money A Small YouTuber Makes?

As the YouTuber Partner Program madness kicked in this past week, one extremely common point I saw being brought up by large YouTuber Content Creators time and time again was that most of the channels being affected by this were making under $100 a year. Noting that the payout threshold for Google Adsense is $100, […]