Time for another episode in the same style as Spider-Man or the 2006 Halloween episodes – this one is another one split between gameplay footage and a review, and some live action storytelling with James and his friend Mike Matei.
In this case, the game being covered is “Bugs Bunny’s Birthday Blowout,” a game released to tie in with the 50th anniversary celebration of the Bugs Bunny character back in 1990. While actually not a terrible game – it’s certainly playable, rather fair if a little easy, and at least can be enjoyed, it does have some flaws, which the Nerd wastes no time pointing out. Poor screen scrolling, simplistic level design, and some elements that just slow things down, it’s not bad, but not great.

At least the game looks halfway decent.
The real charm and focus of the episode is Mike Matei, and his portrayal of the most annoying version of Bugs Bunny to ever exist! Beyond obnoxious. It doesn’t even make sense, not even in the context of the episode – The Nerd and Bugs simply hate each other, and it’s absolutely hilarious.
Between having to play a rather tedious, somewhat annoying game, and having Bugs Bunny annoying him to no end, well, let’s just say the ending is exactly what you would expect, and then some. Apparently, the resulting mess actually got James’s now-wife rather mad at him, and when you see the end, you can tell exactly why.
This isn’t the end of our friend Bugs Bunny, oh no. A few years later, he would come back, and things would get even more serious.

Yeah, if I had a human sized rabbit storm into my game room I’d be pissed too.
Final Rating: 4.5/ 5
It’s funny, this is actually one of my personal favorite episodes of the series, but I’m not a fan of Bugs Bunny or have any memories of the game – it’s just such an absurd episode of an already absurd web series I find myself laughing at it more than other episodes. It just kind of works for me.