With the way January goes for me, I didn’t even realize until last night that it was February, and that I should do the now standard “What’s Coming” article where I state a list of plans that I know I won’t be able to keep up with! A wonderful tradition, to be sure.
Right, I went through January trying to polish up and re-discover what I wanted to do here. I wanted to refine what I wrote about while also still covering things that caught my attention and oh boy, did something big happen – the YouTube Partner Program changes proved quite interesting to discuss and dwell upon. I had a few other, minor points of interest come up that I focused on. However, January is a rather rough month for space history, and as such I of course had to cover the events as I have previous years.

For no reason, a render of Sputnik 2.
All this together pushed other content to the wayside – space was a heavy focus of January, and while I’ll still cover more interesting launches as they come, I’m going to try for February to finally get to some of the more varied articles I’ve wanted to do – more in depth thoughts on old tech, sharing more content from various YouTuber’s I like who discuss related subjects, and some other varied or one-off articles, and a few other projects.
I was planning to get back to more video production for my YouTube channel, but with the Partner Program changes that have come, I’ve lost the drive to work too much on that – that being said, I have a way to still make it worth my time to do video content, so we’ll see what happens in the upcoming months.
Otherwise, it’s business as usual. At least, I hope it is this time, finally!