11 years ago today, I decided “hey, I need a website” and sat down to register the domain name www.xadara.com. I still don’t quite have a clue how I came up with that one (I really do think it was the name of my Maple Story character at the time (seriously)) but whatever the origin, it stuck, and for the past 11 years has been a place for me to share, well, whatever I want, with the world.
What a ride it’s been.
Of course, Xadara wasn’t always a place for me to ramble about whatever. I’ve talked before on how it was originally a set of forums and a place to host a game I was working on. Oddly enough, I still have quite a bit of the forum data (somewhere) and that game data still lives on the server, but unless you were there at the time, you wouldn’t really know much about how this site actually got its start. Like most communities online, though, it fell apart after a few years, and while I really would like to bring it back to it’s former glory, I know those days are in the past – I could try, but getting a group of people together to post regularly just isn’t going to happen.

I just love getting a chance to use the Portal cake.
I find it interesting that I have found the niche for blogging that I’m in, as I never expected myself to be this prolific of a writer (and yes, that is correct usage of the word to describe me producing content for this site.) While it may be a rather random assortment of articles at a glance, taken together I feel what I write provides a nice overview on a variety of subjects I find interesting, and I would hope entertains those who read any given article.
Of course, some people take things too far – I’ve had people accuse me of trying to be some kind of authority on a given subject, or treating this site as far more than what it is, which is just one persons blog of somwhat random thoughts and social commentary. Some think this is a news site, which is far from the case. Others seem to not comprehend that I can talk about serious subjects, like the nature of the commercial space industry while simultaneously discussing video games or stupid internet drama. It seems like they completely forget that people are all complex and have varying interests.
I’ve always been one to say what I think though, and centralizing it all into one place that I can control? Well, that just makes things easier. If me saying what I think ticks some people off, good.
Well, into year 12 we go. More things to come, as always!
…and now for something completely unrelated, because, I can do that.