It’s been a while since we took a trip back to 1989 and these old tapes discussing strategies on various games for the Nintendo Entertainment System, so we might as well get back to em! In this case, Volume 1, Tape 7.
This tape features the games: A Boy And His Blob, Rolling Thunder, Castlevania, Stealth ATF, and Ironsword, as well as a “product spotlight” at the end – basically a set of commercials.
We get your usual game tips for the above games, with the Castlevania segment being recycled from the “Konami Games” tape, probably due to popular demand. This tape is a little better than previous ones on being, well, more tolerable, but it’s still oddly terse in some ways. You know how these are by now, I’m sure.
The ads at the end though are really where it’s at – the Power Glove (which we have covered before) gets a big plug here, along with pretty much every other accessory you have seen in a commercial on these tapes. It totally puts you in the right understanding of what seemed important to a gamer back in 1990, when the NES was the gaming system.
Here’s the video itself. Enjoy.
(and yes, I notice the image on the tape is for tape 9 – that’s how the uploader did it, I promise you the video is correct )