That’s right, we’re doing back to back Nerd episode reviews. In this case, we hit the second half of the Halloween 2007 videos, the other Atari 2600 game James bought in the last episode… Halloween.
This game is, debatably, a little better. It’s got it’s own gory elements, much like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but at least in this one you play as the protagonist of the film, rather than as the villain. The entire goal is to save kids, so it isn’t too crazy a departure from the film, and it does at least have the music from the film in it. Too bad that music plays over, and over, and over.

Yes, the game really looks like that; most copies, anyway.
The episode has a story element to it, much like the previous episode. Here, the Nerd has to go babysit, much like the protagonist in the film Halloween. Of course, this isn’t before he has some trick or treaters come to visit his door (which is odd considering that means they went into his apartment and knocked on his gaming room door… perhaps it’s best not to think about that.) The Nerd gives them the kind of “treat” that only he would (come on, this is a show based around gaming and toilet humor, don’t take it so seriously) before giving the kids the Halloween game and, since they are kids who don’t know what an Atari is, he gives them a whole Atari 2600 console.

Guess which one is Michael Myers and win a cookie.
The episode takes a break where he plays the Atari 2600 classic “Haunted House” which is actually one of my favorite games for the console. In the game you are exploring a 4 floor haunted mansion trying to find pieces of an urn and deliver the completed object to a fireplace on the first floor. A fun game, in all seriousness. Also, don’t miss the “Boo, Haunted House” joke when the game is pulled off the shelf, a reference to the 2006 Halloween episode covering the NES game “A Nightmare On Elm Street.”
As the Nerd goes to pick another game, we get our first glimpse of the Michael Myers, played by Mike Matei, spying on the Nerd. The Nerd, of course, doesn’t notice him, and chooses to review Frankenstein, also for the Atari 2600. Another pretty good game, especially amazing looking for the Atari 2600. It has its flaws, but isn’t bad. The bats make for a hilarious moment in the video, and the ending is the Nerd-typical bit of out there, but the rest of the review is pretty serious, which is fine.

“Look it’s the poopie man!” Probably how the Nerd is greeted by everyone he meets on the street.
The Nerd gets around to babysitting finally, and of course it would be the very kids he gave the Atari and the Halloween game to earlier. The kids are, well, kids, and they pretty much force him to play the game. Much like the film, the power goes out, resulting in the Nerd going to check the power at the circuit breaker. That’s where Michael Myers makes his move to kill the Nerd.
The rest of the video goes about how you would expect, including two Atari 2600 wireless controllers being used as weapons – certainly a first. James tricks Michael Myers into playing the Halloween game, which gives just enough time for him to be taken out… or was he? Yep, you guessed it, the ending parodies the end of the Halloween film, as always in Nerd style.
Final Rating: 4.0/5
Paired up with the last episode, these two make quite a good watch. I really like the 2 extra reviews brought in, and I felt honestly compared to Texas Chainsaw this episode had more going for it. There isn’t much else to say, it’s just a fun blend of gaming, Halloween, and toilet humor. Like any nerd episode, it works if you don’t take it too seriously and just relax.