Might as well get to the bulk of my E3 coverage this year: the actual presentation by the major players — at least, the ones I care to share here directly.
As I’ve made known over the years, I only pay as much attention to E3 as I need to to be aware of what’s announced and that’s about it. Otherwise, I honestly don’t care for the event in and of itself. That means I don’t watch these presentations… at all. I had a friend tell me each major announcement in this Xbox presentation, and beyond that discussions on Facebook and Twitter fill me in nicely.
That being said, I still feel like it’s worth sharing, and this will go way better towards streamlining my “coverage” (if you can call it that) of E3 2018, and probably future years.
So, here ya go. If you really want to watch the entire Xbox presentation, here it is. Enjoy!