As I said I wanted to do in a previous update, comments here on Xadara are now open to whomever – no registration required, unlike how things had been for the past, oh, 5 years or more.
It is my hope that this will spawn healthy discussion and fun conversation about the subject of the article, rather than break down into the typical mess that any online conversation devolves into. I write the content I do here to have fun, and would hope others would also want to have fun chiming in, letting their opinion be shared to anyone who reads the article.
That being said, I’m not against criticism, but it has to be that – actual criticism formatted properly – rather than some form of outright hate or other hostility. I’m not dealing with it. If I wanted that, I’d just comment on a YouTube video and let the hate find me. To that end, comments are moderated. All will require manual approval, so attempts to “stir the pot” won’t get very far, but I suspect on a whole things won’t be too bad.
The entire idea, as mentioned in that prior article, is that maybe making it a more streamlined process to make a comment will make more people feel welcome to contribute to conversation, which might prove fun. Or it could be a disaster. Who knows.
So, as things go, we have two main options – you can use your account to post a comment, and take advantage of the options available via that service, or you can just plug in your information as normal and leave your comment. Again, for right now they are on approval only, but this provides an added benefit of me not missing what you have to say. I’m very likely to respond while approving, so if you’re looking for a conversation about an articles topic, well, that’s a way to do it.
Really, I don’t expect too much of an increase in comments, but the option is there. No harm in giving it a shot and seeing what happens, right?
I’ll flesh out my comment policy in the upcoming weeks as I refine various aspects of the site, like the about section.
More to come, as always.
Now, leave a comment. Let’s stress test the system. Or don’t. It’s whatever.