I know I’m well over a week late for this one, but this is one of those things that was just too hilarious to pass up – the single worst custom computer build video that I think most people have ever watched! At least, as far as serious videos go, anyway.
The video, published on September 13th, 2018, shows a team member from The Verge building a custom gaming PC that apparently cost about $2000. The equipment used is good – it’s industry standard and at least, from what I can gather, a type of build someone might actually make, but the way the build is presented is the travesty here – it’s just plain terrible.
I really don’t want to criticize the host directly, but his presentation is another matter. He speaks with an odd mix of certainty and confusion, showing he clearly doesn’t actually know what’s going on. What truly shows that he has no real idea what’s going on is the fact that he calls things by completely the wrong name.
That’s not getting to how generally poor the build actually is, with mistakes being made all over.
Now, I’ll fully admit here that I’ve never actually built my own computer; I’ve been in and out of machines repairing them, but never just bought parts and put one together. Still, I know more than enough to know just how terrible this is. Hell, I think anyone who knows much of anything about computers will see the problems here. He says he “chose” this part and that part, but there’s no way. He knows nothing about this topic, and it shows.
I could go on and on about every single flaw, but every other person on YouTube has beaten me to it and could nitpick things far better than I could, considering they live cutting-edge computers. This really is one of those videos that just has failure after failure for its entire length. I couldn’t even watch it all the way through before I said forget it – I only saw the whole thing a little while later in watching someone tear into it. It’s just that bad.
Judging purely on the presentation alone, though, anyone can tell something is wrong here. The host just lacks any true confidence and is awkward as anything. He may be a nice guy but he just isn’t the kind of person who should be presenting something like this. The fact that 13 people are credited as being involved makes things even crazier – how did no one see that this was bad?
As if now, the video has been pulled, but others have re-uploaded it, and plenty have reacted in one form or another. I’ll share a few of those commentaries here, as well as the actual video at the end for you to judge for yourself. Pick a few and check out what the internet has to say – it seems a pretty common consensus that this is absolutely horrendous. Seriously, NVMe SSD’s not being screwed down, RAM being inserted improperly, PSU’s being installed backwards, and so many other failures.. it’s absurd.
The worst thing is this is targeted for “normal” non-techy people. This terrible video was misinforming the typical layperson on how to build a high end computer. It’s just one hell of a fail all around.
More to come, as always.
And now, a re-upload of the original video. Hopefully this won’t get taken down.
Oh, look, the re-upload of the original video got nuked. Go figure.