Hey Google, Ya Mind Not Letting YouTube Go Down For Damn Near Everyone?

It’s not every day that one of the top visited websites in the world seems to go down for most everyone, but when it does, it’s kind of incredible. In this case, as I type these words it’s 8:30 in the evening central time and YouTube has decided to go down. Well, not completely, you can go to YouTube, but it’s simply nonfunctional, as my tweet below will show.

My first hint at there being an issue was a small moment of buffering that happened in a video I was watching, which coincided with a tweet by Dave of EEVBlog mentioning that YouTube was down for him in Australia.

I figured it was just a local thing. Just a few minutes later, bam, it was out for me and seemingly everyone else, at least from what I could see on Twitter – more than enough people across the globe commenting on it tells me it’s damn near everyone.

Ya know, you would really think Google could keep this stuff under control. They have done such a good job before, right? No, not really, but this is the biggest outage pretty much ever for the service. Quite interesting to see, and even more interesting to know what will come of it – is this just an issue with a critical datacenter? A major server gateway failing?

Or is it something more?  I’m not one to speculate but I’d be interested in knowing what the issue is.

Anyway, enjoy some of the reactions I’ve seen as this happened, and following that, since YouTube is down, maybe you should check out some of my other articles? 😉






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