A good while back I wrote about wanting to do some good old game reviews here on Xadara. That’s part of what this blog was originally supposed to focus on, just my love of gaming (especially the classics) and tech, with a very healthy dose of specific reviews of individual games, consoles, and other things for whatever it’s worth to the internet (like there needs to be yet another guy online talking about Super Mario Bros. right?)
I wrote the article The Review Plan in mid 2016 talking about how I planned to do these reviews – the general flow and style I would take with them, the grading scale, you know, the core things that one would need to get out of the way before they get to reviewing things, to set a standard. I can safely say I’ve stuck to those standards, albeit without actually reviewing much int he way of games. I’ve done far more reviews of reviews of games (yeah, read that one a few times over till it makes sense) than I ever have actual game reviews in and of themselves.

eh, might as well use it as an image in the article.
I don’t quite know why either. You would think I would have quite a bit of fun doing game reviews, but it seems that I just haven’t had the drive like I thought I would. Blame the backlog, among other factors, for keeping me from actually just taking time and making reviews, if you must, but by the end of the day, it’s just me procrastinating like I always do. That’s just how things go sometimes, and I often get too wrapped up in current events, especially in space news, to get the other content I wish to out.
Basically, I feel like I need another 3 of me to make things happen when you mix in work and life schedules. Hell, sometimes it’s a kind of miracle that I get out the amount of content I do, such as yesterday’s 3 articles, those mixed in with a very long work day, most weeks that just doesn’t happen.
I’m getting off topic though. The point is, I feel like I’m in a stable place to get back to the game and entertainment reviews that I wished to do previously.
I’m hoping in November to begin getting back on track with the aforementioned game reviews, among other projects, but in the meantime, I’ve got a few long overdue reviews to take a stab at. I owe it to one new online friend, and another very sociable mobile game development team, to take a look at their games, tell you what I think, and help spread the word that “hey, these exist, and you might enjoy them!”
So tomorrow, among other articles, expect me to take a look at 2 games you’ve probably not heard of until now: Arena and Solbot Energy Rush!