Yep. It’s another one of these posts. I know, I do this often, but there’s a reason. Beyond the fact I like to “think out loud” at times, I also find writing on the subject to be beneficial to me getting over whatever block I have happening at the moment, and right now we’ve got quite the wall between me and continuing this crazy project that is Xadara.
As the title of this article suggests, I really don’t quite know what I want to do with this website anymore. I have a multitude of ideas, complete changes to the site which would be nice, but I don’t want to destroy all the content I’ve produced over the past years. Sure, I can archive it – even convert it into basic HTML and continue to host it, but that would be quite the involved process, and all the indexing that Google and the like have of the site would go to waste. I enjoy my somewhat high ranks on some search queries and would rather not lose that traffic, so I guess that content is staying as it is, at least for now.
The blog nature of the site is as much a hindrance as it is helpful. This is why I want to change the format, but given how I choose to share content (Triberr, a blog sharing site, being a key element) I really don’t have a viable method to get what I write seen as readily. What does that mean? The site basically needs to stay structured as a blog, with all the annoyances that can bring. As much as I’d like to change things, it looks like they really do have to stay as they are.

At face value writing the types of
So, it looks like this strange stream of consciousness site is going to stick around as is. At least for the time being. I still have some as yet unannounced plans in the works but for now, eh, maybe it isn’t so bad. I’m probably overthinking things because that’s the kind of person I am. Still, like any content creator, you’re always wanting to find the best way to share what you create, even if that is textual publications regarding gaming, technology, social commentary, and crazy projects you come up with to occupy your time — including the very site that you are discussing.
Huh.. when you think about it these site update posts are kind of meta.
Anyway, more to come. I think me writing this helped quite a bit, and as I said opening the post, I like to share these thoughts, for whatever they are worth to others.