Far back into last year (far longer ago than it should have been) I wrote about an idea I had to cover the BBC Computer Literacy Project here on Xadara. It being a major part of computer history and one that, as the title implies, is very much British, I felt taking a look at the BBC programming and related materials to the program might be a fun, if very long, project!
This was spawned by the fact that the BBC had produced an archive of effectively the entire project on the web! The television programmes, primarily of course, but even emulators for computer software demonstrated in the individual shows! For a fan of old computers, such as myself, it was a treasure trove of information!
Well, I seem to have taken a bit longer than I should have in getting this project going, as currently the archive (found at https://computer-literacy-project.pilots.bbcconnectedstudio.co.uk/ ) seems to not be working properly, at least at the time of me writing this article.
This kind of sucks, because I was really looking forward to finally getting the project in motion after a few false starts and some major delays caused by me being both lazy and focusing on other things throughout the latter half of 2018.
I guess for now the project is on hold while I wait for whatever issue is present here to work itself out. If it does, cool — if it doesn’t, then not only will I seriously question what’s going on with the BBC (this is one of those things you can tell they are incredibly proud of in their history) so, that’s where things stand.
Now watch, the moment I get this published the site is going to start working fine and the whole post will be rendered pointless.