Back in July of 2018 I wrote an article (YouTube Is *Still* Showing Me Channels I’ve Unsubscribed From In My Subscription Feed) discussing YouTube showing channels I’ve unsubscribed to in my subscription feed – a problem that many seem to have.
I can presume others are having this issue, anyway, for one simple reason: the article has quickly become one of my most regularly viewed entries on the site.
That would be why I’m writing this follow up, about a year later — to see if the situation has changed, at least for me, if not for others — the surge in views on that article from last year would quickly tell you that no, the situation hasn’t changed for others.
I’ve not really unsubscribed from more than a few channels in the past year, and to be honest, I haven’t had those come back up. Usually the unsubscribe command has taken effect and they are gone from my feed.
I do still have an issue with channels I am subscribed to showing as me not subscribed.. yet I still get them in my feed, which is odd, and I do have the occasional video from a channel I’ve never seen before show up, but that seems to be more of a fluke than anything with a pattern. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt on that one, but it’s still odd.

In the previous article I mentioned that YouTube support suggested that I click the “not interested” option on videos which would show in the Subscription feed, and while that does fix the issue (and seems to be keeping those channels out of any suggestions, a major plus in my opinion) I still feel you shouldn’t have to do that just to “properly” unsubscribe to a channel — just like how you shouldn’t have to click on the damned bell to get a notification of new uploads when subscribing to a channel should be enough! That, however, is another article for another time.
So, that’s where we stand about a year later – the 1st part of this series was written in April, with the second part written in June. YouTube’s systems still seem to be a cluttered mess, as I would expect honestly.
Eh, it could be worse, but still annoying. If the worst I’ve had is a channel I got tired of showing up in general recommendations again (removed with a quick “not interested” — at least that works) so, at least my YouTube viewing experience is as good as it can be for now – devoid of most noise in my subscription feed.
Now if only the site would fix the other dozen or so major problems that make it a nightmare to actually enjoy for anything more than just watching some select content…
I’ve had it resubscribe me to a channel twice. Both of them Game Theory. I have no idea why. but it hasn’t done it since the second time.