I know, I’ know — I’m beyond late for writing about this. Get over it, I wanted to weigh in myself on this hilarious little attempt Best Buy made back in late April on getting rid of some of their certainly slow-moving stock of the PlayStation Classic console.
Here’s what the deal was – on April 29th, 2019, anyone who bought a PlayStation 4 Pro from Best Buy (I believe only online, but this may have been true in stores as well — I don’t know) would get a PlayStation Classic console for free.
That’s it. That’s the entire deal.

One day, if you went to that particular store chain and purchased the top end of currently available PlayStation series console new, you would get that little emulation box for free… on that one day only.
I shouldn’t have to explain the absurdity of this, but for the sake of hilarity I will.
You have a single day, a Monday no less, in the middle of nothing special in the year(save for tax refunds here in the States, which many may have not gotten back yet and others might well have already spent) where Best Buy has decided “Hey, if you spend $400 on the most expensive PlayStation currently available you can get this little piece of shit “retro” console along with it!”
Not a whole week of this being an offer. Nope. Not a case where you got the console with any PlayStation console purchase. Nope. Only if you drop top dollar on a PS4 Pro, on one single day.
Yeah, it’s as absurd as it sounds. The only rational I can imagine for this is that it was a very short sighted attempt to get rid of PS Classic stock. It couldn’t be anything else. I refuse to think that the executives at Best Buy in charge of such special offers were so out of touch they thought the offer of a PlayStation Classic would make people want to buy a PlayStation 4 Pro.
They couldn’t be that, well, stupid, could they? I certainly hope not, because if they were, holy hell there’s no hope for that company.
That’s it. I have nothing else to say about this one. I just couldn’t let it go – the PlayStation Classic is one of the greatest jokes in gaming in the past decade and damn the ways stores have tried to get rid of them has been fun to see, but this one had to be the most absurd.