You know, I never expected the Angry Video Game Nerd episode reviews to get as far as they did — I’m in Season 4 and am incredibly optimistic on where this is going, as it’s gone from being just a fun little side project to something to really enjoy!
In retrospect, however, I didn’t plan for the long term — I took a generic AVGN image and made that the logo for everything and after 60 plus entries in the series, it kind of became stagnant. Annoyingly so.

I spent some time the other day updating the featured images for each AVGN episode — namely, making seasonal changes to each one. Yep, each Season now has its own image, based on a frame from an episode in each season. I really like how they came out — how subtle yet still clearly “old” or “newer” AVGN each one is, of course with the shows logo and text identifying the Season and the like.
I also spent some time updating tagging on the seasons and for all the episodes, for the hell of it. I like to make things a little more consistent where I can, and for a project of that scale naturally that’s a good idea. I’m considering going back and tagging every game in a given episode (I’ve done that for some of the episodes before) for what that’s worth as well — that’s how tags work, after all.

Another thing I’m wanting to do is add an image or two from each episode into the articles. Yeah, that should have been something I did from the first entry, but I didn’t as I didn’t want to fill the media database of the sites WordPress install with images I would only use once. I didn’t consider the idea of just tossing them into another folder on the server and linking to that. At the time I guess I was feeling lazy and didn’t want to have to go through the process of making the image and uploading it to the server via FTP, and then getting the url and liking to it. I’ll be adding to previous episodes as I find time or feel the urge, and will be adding images to upcoming reviews as they are published.
Otherwise, it’s a “stay the course” kind of time here at Xadara regarding the AVGN episode review series. I really do have fun with it, as absurd as the whole proposition is, and the articles do get their share of views regularly, so I might as well put some more time and love into them, and future projects.
One thing at a time, though.