Last month a began a process to update all of my previous Angry Video Game Nerd episode reviews to have images from the episode being reviewed. This was something I neglected when starting the project and in retrospect wish I had done from the beginning.

In any case, the last batch of episodes I did were all of Season 1 and part of Season 2, up to episode 25. The other night I spent some time finishing up Season 2 (so, up to episode 41) adding in images. I found a few cases where I wanted to add in more than the normal 2 entries I mentioned in the previous update article, and I can imagine there will be plenty of future episodes where I do the same, if I feel the article or the video warrants it.
I also took some time to add images the previously completed Season 3 episode reviews which were made just before the start of me adding images to new and previous articles — Jaguar parts 1 and 2, specifically. I also took time to add “proper” images to the Metal Gear episode review, as it had early screen caps from the YouTube videos playing on my desktop, rather than proper image cuts from VLC downloads as the method I’m currently using to make images provides; it’s a much cleaner operation on all fronts.

There really isn’t much more to say — I’ll be adding images to more reviews tonight, and maybe try to make this a “few episode a day” thing until I finish up with all 22 episodes of Season 3. Or, maybe I’ll get them done tonight, if I feel the urge. Who knows.
More to come, as always.