It took quite a few hours of downloading, image selecting, editing, uploading, and article refinement to make it happen, but it’s actually complete — every single Angry Video Game Nerd episode review here on Xadara has at least one image associated with it!
I’d estimate it took about 5 hours of solid work to make it happen, but I think it was worth it — feedback from people has been quite positive, with everyone seeming to agree the images do add greatly to the quality of the reviews. That means my time wasn’t wasted. Yay.

This proved a good exercise for some future ideas here — since I want to get into reviewing other types of media more regularly having figured out a workflow (at least for videos) will increase the overall speed of production and quality of those articles, and many of the techniques here will work well for the inevitable, but perpetually delayed game reviews I’d like to do.
Now if only I could get off my ass and actually write more, then we’d be in business, so to speak.
Anyway, I’m glad I did this. It was a fun little project and a chance for me to fix a few errors here and there that I noticed in previous entries as I updated them. I consider this site always a “work in progress” not just as far as new content is concerned but old content which has value should always be polished where it needs to be.
Right, though, that’s the end of that — all future AVGN episode reviews will have images attached, and this will become the norm for future projects, where applicable.
If you haven’t seen the articles yet, for some strange reason, and want to check them out here’s the link. Enjoy.