NOTE: This is the “old” version of this review. It has been replaced by a new version.
Hank Hill loves a few things. His family, his truck, his lawnmower, his lawn, and his Guitar, Betsey, among many other things. As you can imagine, his frustration when he finds Bobby playing the instrument recklessly (with cheese, of all things, for a comedy bit) upsets him, especially since it interrupts him dreaming about golfing with his hero, Willie Nelson, and his rough treatment of the instrument chipped the bridge, meaning it will need to be repaired.
Hank goes back to sleep, only to be awakened by Bobby crashing his lawnmower into his truck! The boy just won’t stay out of trouble. Meanwhile, Peggy and Luanne are on the other side of the yard practicing pitching and catching respectively — Peggy upset that Hank seems to care more about his guitar than he does her or the family.

Once Hank finishes dealing with his truck alarm, which has already woken up all of his friends, he goes to the side of the house to find Bobby using his golf clubs to hit dog waste for, well, no real reason.
Hank is confused about why Bobby “ain’t right.” Peggy suggests that he take Bobby with him when he goes golfing. Hank tries to talk with Bobby about needing a role model, with Bobby suggesting Eddie Stilson and explains to Hank that he is a skilled video game player.
Hank naturally doesn’t think that’s much of a role model, suggesting that following him would result in Bobby turning out much like Jason Adderly’s son, Howard Adderly (depicted as an almost ghoulish humanoid.) This backfires as Bobby says he’s his number two hero! Hank decides bobby needs to be lectured “all afternoon” and takes Bobby with him.

Hank packs up Betsey to take to the guitar shop, and while on the road talks with Bobby about needing a better hero, telling him about his own hero, Willie Nelson, and the similarities they have – golf, guitar, and tax problems (Hank’s being in filling out the forms, rather than actual legal issues.) When Hank asks Bobby again if he has a Hero (odd considering he asked him such just moment ago) Bobby says “Willie Nelson” as a parroting of Hank’s response, Bobby then states reasons he personally likes him — having long hair and being “alternative” for example. This naturally annoys Hank, and the two continue to the guitar store.
In a sub plot, Luanne is preparing for a hair braiding exam at the beauty academy. While Peggy is reassuring her of success, all Luanne accomplishes during a practice session on the machine is to tie herself up in the braid.
When Hank and Bobby they arrive at the Earl’s Guitar, Hank has a conversation with the owner (Earl) which results in a jokes being exchanged about a guy “selling their wife before they would sell their guitar.” Meanwhile, while Peggy is out doing things she needs to do, she’s enraged by Hank’s love of his guitar, to a point of buying one at a yard sale just to smash it!

At the golf course Hank and Bobby meet up with Dale and Boomhauer and discuss the role model issue. Bill suggests Santa Clause, an idea Hank quickly dismisses as being for babies. Eventually, while the guys are taking a break, Bobby takes a swing at a golf ball and actually takes a decent shot. The guys decide to let him play, only for him to eventually let the club go, it flying away to wind up hitting someone in the head.
That someone happens to be Willie Nelson.
Hank is shocked by this, initially worries about Willie who, beyond some major bruising, seems fine, and then proceeds to pass out in the guys golf cart, driving it away in the process! Hank does get his “autograph” in a typical fan moment which he initially is excited about but quickly begins to regret.
Back home, Hank tells Peggy about the situation. He’s actually quite upset, not so much with Bobby hitting him, but the fact that his “once in a lifetime” chance to meet Willie Nelson turned out this way.
Bobby overhears this and is quite frustrated. This is when Earl’s son arrives with Hank’s guitar following its repairs. Bobby takes it and rides his bike off to Willie Nelson’s, in an attempt to do something Hank would be proud of.
He arrives to find Willie living in a camper playing a golf game on GameBoy. After a comedic exchange where Willie thinks Bobby has been raking his lawn with a golf club, Bobby explains his situation to Willie and calls Hank. Hank doesn’t believe him until Willie himself gets on the phone!
Hank arrives at Willie’s to discover a party happening. He finds Bobby and Willie and is excited to find out Willie has signed his guitar. He calls home to invite Peggy to Willie’s, mentioning that she should bring a special guitar strap.

Peggy winds up walking up on Hank right as he is relaying the previous “sell my wife” joke to Willie and, angered, goes off to have a chat and a drink with Dennis Hopper who apparently takes a liking to Peggy. After threatening to “kick his ass” Peggy decides to deal with Hank herself.
Hank and Willie, meanwhile, talk about the situation with Bobby, eventually coming to the realization that Hank is Bobby’s hero! Hank goes over to talk to Bobby and thank him for making it all happen and as a demonstration of you can do with a guitar other than play it with cheese, he plays a song he wrote for Peggy. Peggy just happens to hear this and calms down at hearing that song. Hank realizes he’s been a bit cold to Peggy and hands Bobby the guitar to go play while he and Peggy spend some time together.
Luanne finally gets to practice her braiding successfully on Willie, and in the end as the party wraps up we see Hank and Willie playing guitar together, just like in the dream sequence the episode started with.
Final Rating: 3.5/5
Another solid episode. This is the first one that’s a bit “out there” but it’s still quite enjoyable. The way Willie Nelson is treated in the episode is honestly pretty great, and there is a relatable note in my case to how Hank is with his guitar and how I am with mine. All in all, a nice enough episode with plenty of jokes that leaves you feeling all around happy – a first, I’d say, for the series.