Long time readers may recall an article I wrote back in 2016 regarding an online game I used to play in High School around 2001-2002 range called Vagabond’s Quest. It was a straightforward game, played from the website itself and functionally through text rather than any kind of awesome graphical world — more akin to an arena based Multi User Dungeon than anything like Everquest, or so I recall. Still, it was a fun time, and something I could actually do during time I should have been working on things in my “Applied Computing” class.
I have very fond memories of playing it, and actually fighting my friends characters as they would log into the game when they had their own classes and play much as I did. Recall the internet wasn’t a common thing to have back then, at least any decent connection if at all, so these chances to use the schools pretty damn nice connection for something as absurd as this was just the best.

Well, it turns out people behind VQ have been busy bringing it back from the dead. That’s right, as of October of 2019 the game had returned.
I only found out about this yesterday when a helpful reader left a comment on that old article saying that the game is back. I honestly didn’t believe them at first — there was no way, I thought, it’s been so many years.. but sure enough, the Facebook page he provided brought me to the real deal.
I have yet to look into the game beyond the main site, as well as the Facebook page, but I’m just happy to see things like this return. From what I can gather, the creator of the game really wanted it to continue and expand, but it just couldn’t happen, but now things are a bit different and he’s giving it another go. Okay it’s actually much deeper, and darker, than that, and is something I can really relate to — you can what the creator, Falados, has to say about it all here.
Honestly, I kind of want to reach out to him and thank him, not just for the fun nearly 20 years ago but for, in the end, never giving up. For coming back to this project and reviving it.
When I find some time, I’ll certainly check the game out. Who knows what’s to come, perhaps I’ll fall in love with it just like I did all those years ago.
Holy shit. Is this still active?
Not sure – I never did get around to trying it out again.
Let’s hope it does get updated and made public soon.
I’ll look into this more and write a follow up sometime, hopefully.
There’s also discord channel if you want to reach out to creator