Well, that’s it. The final post of the year, the one where I take a look back at the previous 365 or so days and ask myself “was this all worth it?” Okay, not really, but I like to see what all happened over the past year. As I kind of “go with the flow” on Xadara, it’s nice to look back and remember just what happened when, and look at what progress was made on a few projects.
For what it’s worth, there were about 230 articles published this past year. Not bad, I think. Not my best work but far from bad.

Honestly, the year was pretty cool. For the first half I covered quite a few projects involving my Macintosh computer collection, tried out Apex Legends on launch (and never played it again, lol) dealt with issues involving online security certificates and Xadara being accessible on old computers, said goodbye to Google+ and the Wii online shop, and finally got back to the AVGN episode review project.

Not only did I get back to that AVGN project, but I finished reviewing Season 3 and then did Season 4 in just a few months following that. Not only that, but I updated every single episode review with images from the episode, to add more quality to the project. It took quite a bit of time, but it came out very, very well.
We had New Coke return, Apple announce a new Mac Pro, and eventually by the Summer a return to a few space related posts in regards to the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11. We also had a film maker from Ukraine reach out to me to tell his story of how the HBO Chernobyl series effectively stole the concept of a project he had done many years ago for their show, without any acknowledgement.

Come fall I took a break from Social Media, began a bit of a soft reboot of the site…which really went nowhere. This is the point where I began the AVGN image project and the Season 4 reviews, got a PlayStation classic (that I still haven’t opened) and took my first look at “King of the Hill.” Later on, I would go on and attempt to review the series episode by episode, but this project fell through.
This is also when I took on a new “schedule” of posting Monday through Friday which has honestly been nice. I may adjust it in the future but for now it works — I know I at least don’t have to care about Saturday and Sunday, and it seems to help my workflow which is, suffice it to say, erratic at best.

We finished off the year with Season 4 of the Nerd (including a well timed all-Halloween-week recap of Castlevaniathon) before things went a little crazy. I took a small break in early December, but not before touching on the madness that is the current state of YouTube — something I also need to get back to discussing here shortly.
We finished off with some awesome news like the rebirth of the game Vagabond’s Quest, a look back at the film “The Wizard” and the classic TV series “The Simpsons.” Lastly, probably my best work of the whole year was a complete guide on how to not break an Xbox One or PlayStation 4 console, based on everything I’ve experienced in years working in used console sales and repair.
All in all, a pretty cool year for the site. We got more coming in 2020, as always. Stay tuned, or whatever you do with websites. I don’t know anymore.
Here’s to a new year of causing digital chaos.