I’ve mentioned before about the massive backlog I have of articles to write, Many of them are so far gone from being important that they just aren’t worth it. Others are, at most, a week old and are still relevant enough.
The internet, however, seems to want to run on its own time — a week is like a year, and a month might as well be a century — it’s ancient history by then. This makes sense, given how quickly news travels, and how soon everyone tends to have their say on social media, but still — that’s social media, that’s the “then and now” of something — that isn’t a heavy, well thought out entry on the subject, more than likely. Were it to be that kind of investment, it wouldn’t be a Twitter rant or some Facebook post that will forever be buried. No, it would have prominence.
For many this may mean something like a YouTube video, but for me, the power is in the written word (that, and in podcast form if / when I ever get back to that!) To me this lasts longer than any other form of expression on the internet, especially given how things are indexed, how volatile YouTube is as a service, and the benefits of a proper web site and proper hosting, rather than relying explicitly on a 3rd party platform as a home. No one tells me what to do here but me, and the only rules I have to play by are those of my wonderful hosting provider.
That being said, what am I actually getting at? My point here is that if I do cover a topic when the internet otherwise thinks of it as “late” at least it’s still there. For historical context, a week away from something happening is like the blink of an eye time difference, and for what it’s worth for the sake of expression, education, or what have you, there’s no reason not to cover something, even if it is a week later.
Honestly, I think this idea of being “late” to something, or it being “old news” is a bit silly – Sure, I, like most anyone, would acknowledge when interest in the topic is past its prime, but if you feel you have something to add to the conversation, an idea to express, or what have you, go ahead and make it happen. Share your thoughts with the world, for what they may be worth to even one person, and fuck what the internet thinks is “trendy” or “current.”
Do what you will and have fun with it!