Reactions To The PlayStation 5 Logo Reveal Show Just How Pathetic Gaming Culture Has Become

Yesterday Sony decided to show at least something related to the upcoming PlayStation 5 console by showing us….

The logo for the console.

Okay, that’s fine. We have an official logo to use in media. Great. Awesome. Time to move on with my day and oh, this is being talked about.. quite a bit… by everyone… for a whole day… what?

Yes, amazingly this little announcement caused quite a stir, most notably from people who want to knock it in its simplicity — how it’s basically the same as the PS3 and PS4 logo’s — a trait which makes it completely unremarkable but familiar. The exact traits that a strong brand logo should have.

This, however, is lost on the current gaming scene as instead of just passing it off as “oh, okay, it’s all the same” they have instead, because you have to do this with every-fucking-thing, to meme away with it, insult and mock it and the creative executives behind it, and, most absurdly, your typical reaction videos and even, according to a report from a friend, long rant videos (we’re talking up towards 20 minutes) on just a fucking logo.

You can see the discussion on Twitter here:

It’s seriously insane to think about — be it all a joke or not — that this much effort is being put in by the gaming populace to discuss this. A fucking logo. Not only do some of the comments show a complete lack of understanding on what a logo should be, how branding consistency works, or pretty much any actual subject related to marketing as well established by centuries of people making products to sell and wanting them to be easily identified!

I’m aware there’s an irony in me spending this time writing about this but I just have to vent about it. I don’t know for sure what this actually says about gaming culture as it exists currently, but whatever statement that is, it isn’t good. If the absurd reaction is a joke, it’s not a good one at all. If it’s a serious lack of understanding in the basics of marketing, then these people really need to go back to school and learn a bit about marketing — in particular aspects which I think every other 7 year old on Earth has learned in that good branding and marketing makes you recognize a product instantly on the shelves.

Considering the average gamer online these days exhibits the intelligence of a 7 year old, I’d say it’s not something they should have trouble grasping if they are trained to recognize it.

Really, this is something that should have just been an “oh, cool, okay” kind of thing, and instead it gets to be one of those things everyone won’t shut up about for a few days. SonyBro’s are like that, however — they have to constantly talk about the PlayStation and how great it is, or else I guess they go into a panic attack or something.

Does this mean I can use the “crappy” logo as an attack against the PS5, just as they did similar with various marketing and physical aspects of the Xbox One? Turnabout is fair play, after all.

I prefer the classic “PS” logo, but that’s just me.

P.S.: Don’t take this too seriously, it’s partially a joke post, but my points are valid. I’m just “taking the piss” as the Brits say, with the ending. This all, however, seriously is some of the stupidest gaming crap I’ve seen in a while…

Updated: January 7, 2020 — 11:30 PM


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  1. What did they expect the logo to be? A picture of a penis?

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