Hello there. If you’re reading this, it means one of two things — you either saw this post on my site / shared somewhere on social media and decided to click it, or I intentionally shared it with you for a good reason — you replied, in some way, to a post sharing one of my articles on this site and clearly made no attempt to read the article.
How do I know this? Because you likely brought up something completely irrelevant to the article or, even more likely, you clearly ignored anything and everything in the article, beyond the title or, worse yet, the photo itself.
Oh yes, sometimes I’ll have replies that are just people commenting with regards to the image shared with the article — it’s as if they don’t even comprehend how Twitter (or the internet itself) works. Were you one of them? Possibly. I can’t say for sure now, as I write this, as this is a “catch all” article.
This is kind of funny, too, how this is a “catch all” article because that’s what I try to do in every article I write that may be critical of a topic –I try to cover as many objections to my opinion as I reasonably can, in the hopes that conversation can be steered in a more productive direction.
Instead, people like you who never bother to click the link, actually read the entry, or, worst of all, even grasp that there is information to be read at all, defeating the entire purpose of writing anything about by opinion, a principle which pretty much defeats the purpose of any discussion at all.
You may say I’m reading too deep into your actions, but I’m not the one reaching out to someone I know nothing about, ignoring what they have to actually say on a subject because I can’t be bothered to read what they already put in front of me and address what they actually said. No, that would be too much like actually contributing to a conversation, and I’ve found most people who avoid the above route are just trying to start arguments, which I don’t have time for.
If you can’t be bothered to click one link and spend just a few minutes reading some text, then you may have a serious issue. You know there are people who can help you with that. At least, I certainly would hope that’s the case with you, that you may actually suffer from a reading comprehension issue and you’re not just so lazy you won’t spend the time reading the text presented (or are too incompetent to realize there’s a hyperlink to click on) to carry on a discussion.
The funniest thing is that people sure will spend 40 minutes watching a YouTube video about absolutely nothing. Sure, there’s entertainment value there, but for broad discussion as I seek to spark, and information sharing on a level I desire, what’s to be gained from the nature of video? Little, if anything, for reasons I could spend an hour diving in to.
I’m getting off topic, here. The fact remains based on what you said you clearly didn’t actually read the article or attempt to address it in any meaningful capacity, and for that I worry about you.
No, really, I do. I hope you get the help you need to you can finally appreciate the wide world of information and perspective that’s being shared all across the internet in the form of actual text – not stupid memes, pointless videos, social media garbage and who knows what other crap is around the corner to make the internet a more pathetic place.
Get help, before it’s too late.

The above references to reading comprehension issues are done purely for comedy. I sincerely hope that any adult who does suffer such issues can, and is able to, get assistance and overcome these problems so they can enjoy the magic of the written word, regardless of what the content.