Loyal readers may recall back on Amazon Prime Day I ordered a PlayStation Classic. After nearly a month it finally arrived and I just let it sit there and not get opened.
That hasn’t changed at all.
Yep. Over 5 months have passed, and I’ve still not bothered to even open it and mess with it, let alone actually use it, and by use, I mean mod it and add games I like on there.
I don’t know what this actually says about me — I’ve been busy, of course, and since September playing guitar and bass has really taken up time I would be gaming (not that I did much of that anyway) and when you add in the time and energy I’d put into having to set up and mod the PS Classic (as little as that may be, it’d still be a project, especially given my work space) I just kind of don’t want to deal with it.
Right now, I’m not going to lie — I don’t even know where I’ve put the thing. Maybe this weekend I’ll mess with it — maybe not. I don’t know. I just found it hilarious that all these months later I’ve still not bothered on opening something I paid for. That’s how much I “care” about it, a fact which somewhat shows my care for the gaming scene in general at this stage. Hell, for comparisons sake I’ve not even bothered looking into the Genesis Mini or whatever they called it, and I’m a huge Sega Genesis fan. I’ve been that out of the gaming scene on a whole.
Perhaps it’s just been an issue of me wanting to get every power supply I can find together to show once and for all that it not coming with a power supply was never an issue, like everyone made it to be. It’d be a year and a half late but who cares, at least I did it.
Whatever case, more to come, as always.