Back in early 2016 I wrote an article titled “Blocked for a Reason.” The article covered the subject of blocking people on social media – in simple form, the reason behind such (at least for me) and what it actually means when that event happens. I thought it would be good, since it’s been nearly 4 years since I wrote it and I find the original article to be a little oddly worded, to do an “updated” version of the article. This is all stuff that should be obvious, but to many doesn’t seem to be.
It all, in short form, boils down to this: If I block someone online, I no longer wish to interact with them, or for them to easily be able to interact with me. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m done with you.

A key thing that many don’t understand, though, is that it isn’t what someone is saying but how they are saying it that causes this. It’s one thing to be passionate about a subject and to share an opinion about it in a blunt or somewhat abrasive way. I do this all the time.
The quality of the discussion is important. Even on subjects two people feel very differently about, a decent discussion can happen. It may not change the mind of either party, but at least they are now more aware of what the other person actually thinks and feels and, if it’s a good conversation, why they feel that way, which is the most important aspect.
Some, however, prefer to simply argue – to assert their opinion as fact, or to in some form be belligerent. I’ve got no time for that. I’ve wasted enough time over the past decade dealing with such, and I’m not doing it anymore, nor am I giving you the chance to try to goad me into it — hence, the blocking.

It’s really not a complex idea — I’d imagine this is the thought everyone has when they block someone, but some don’t seem to understand this obvious thing. Some will claim this is “admitting defeat” in a discussion, or that being blocked somehow makes them the winner. That’s not at all the case — it’s literally just me being tired of your shit, and nothing more. You didn’t “win” anything more than my contempt, and lose any chance you may have had to have a meaningful discussion and discourse. Contrary to how it may seem, I’m open for listening to the contrasting opinions, but there’s a way to go about such discussion which works and which doesn’t, and sadly most people online seem to choose the latter versus the former.
It really is that simple — I don’t want to fucking talk with you anymore; or ever, depending on how things go. I’ve, where appropriate, pre-emptively blocked some people simply because I don’t want to be involved with them at all where possible, and I run a chance (let’s say, by commenting on a post in a Facebook group) of an incident happening with them. It’s a rare thing, but one that does happen. It makes my online life easier, and means I won’t see their garbage in the future. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say.

I’m getting a little too old for the same old heated discussions online. That’s part of why I write what I do here — to not have to have the same discussion over, and over, and over. I can just refer to something here to cover what may need to be said. Still, situations come up where conversation goes downhill and in the end of the day I just want to wipe my hands of it all.
Does this make me (or anyone else) some kind of coward for “running away?” Not at all. It only means, and only ever will mean I value my time more than what you’re offering in terms of annoyance and stress. If there’s a valid discussion to be had, I’m all for it, but if you demonstrate that you can’t actually have a decent disagreement or listen to an opposing opinion, then I’ve got no time for you. Period.
If you’re blocked, you’re blocked for a reason. That simple. I’m not wasting 2020 arguing with idiots on Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere else online.
To end this entry, I figured I might share a stupid clip I made combining an old (and very odd) Old Spice commercial with footage of the “Baker” test of Operation Crossroads in 1946. Why did I make this? For the comedy. Enjoy. Or don’t. I don’t care.