It’s been damn near two weeks since the last entry on this site and, now that the chaos has settled, it’s time for things to get back to normal around here. To say that when I wrote the “change is inevitable” entry I didn’t expect it to be such a dramatic case of life imitating art, so to speak. Yeah, the past few weeks, without going into detail, have been quite chaotic on multiple fronts but, as things stand now, I think we’re in a good stage for things to resume around here. Pretty fitting, as the 13th anniversary of the start of this site is tomorrow (March 17th.)
I also needed quite a break from things here. I’ve grown incredibly weary of the tedium of writing about much of what I have been covering recently. I’ll save much of the issue for its own article, but it would suffice to say that even the act of trying to share thoughts on gaming from the site via social media (the only reasonable way in the current state of the internet to get your content seen) has resulted in nothing but seemingly perpetual conflict with people who simply cannot stand the fact that someone may disagree with them or, even worse, can articulate exactly why they feel the way they do. Such is, of course, anathema to those who build their identity around having a group following their every word; those who tell the masses in a scene exactly what they want to hear, show them what they want to see, placate them for their own benefit, what have you. It’s really turned what was once a wonderful hobby into an exercise in absolute frustration to even begin to try to be a part of and, quite frankly, I’d rather not even bother with it to any degree anymore.
That’s not to ignore the complete (clearly intentional) misunderstanding that a great many have for why I do what I do; what my goals are, the stance I actually take on things; so much that people seem to just not be able to wrap their heads around. I guess that too is overdue for an entry or two… or ten.
I took this time to actually take a major step back from social media — my personal twitter account has been on lockdown, and I’ve barely been on it viewing media or posted much of anything. I’ve been on Facebook to handle some personal business, some work related tasks, and to keep up with some close friends for a bit but otherwise, on a whole, my interactions online have been heavily limited — I’ve been that busy and that frustrated with things all at once. Hell, I’ve not even had time to game, I’ve been that tied up with so many things.
So, yes, it’s good to be back. At least, I think it is. We’ll see how things go, but as it stands I’m not expecting much improvement from the gaming scene. I’ve got quite a bit to say on this (and will, soon enough) but that’s yet to come. For now, however, I’ve got the 13th anniversary of the creation of this website to enjoy and quite a few weeks worth of random content I’m overdue to get out the digital door.
More to come, as always.