You know, I always find myself at a crossroads with what to write about. This site is, as I’ve said numerous times, about whatever I want it to be at a given moment; whatever has caught my attention and interest, or what I’m focusing on at that time. This has, of course, resulted in quite a few fits and starts of things which never pan out — I’ve got quite a few old Macintosh computers I’ve never written about and stories from that period, I’ve not even begun to fully cover the typewriter collection and, most critically to this article, I’ve spent much of the past 7 months getting very re-acquainted with the art of making music. We’re talking to a point where I’ve begun to, in my spare time, study and actually understand music theory!
To that end, as both a way to share my enjoyment of playing bass and guitar, as well as a love I’ve always had of music in general, I going to certainly splice in more entries about music, the playing of instruments, my gear, what have you, in with the usual stuff. I feel like it will help liven up the site and is content many may well enjoy. Or not, who knows? Who cares, really, is the more important question — after all, I’m not forcing anyone to read this stuff and quite honestly the less I say about gaming right now, the better — not even about gaming itself, but the community, the “scene” as it exists; it’s better if I keep my thoughts reserved for a while and focus on more, shall we say, creative endeavors.
This goes in well with a previous article series I had where I’d focus on individual bands, songs, albums, what have you, and discuss them, what I like, where I may be critical of the work, all for the goal of maybe you, the reader, finding something new to enjoy, or maybe getting a taste of what I like, for what that would be worth to anyone. Of course, discussing the art of making music, the challenges associated with learning and instrument, and the differences between me trying to learn in high school vs now, nearly 2 decades later, could prove useful to many out there; or maybe not, who knows!
That’s the beauty of blogging, you never know who may find what you write interesting, so you might as well cover damn near everything that interests you, right?
More to come, as always. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll begin cataloging my gear as I have it currently. That would be cool, maybe. It’d give me something to do, anyway, in case things go south and we’re all locked indoors for the next few weeks.