We’re in quite a unique time in history, what with the whole Coronavirus situation and how that’s affecting life for most everyone on Earth in some way. That being said, most people are trying to, in one way or another, keep things pretty normal in their lives during this, and that’s no exception here on this little corner of the internet.
March was, to say the least, a bust. It was actually a pretty terrible month for many reasons and as such many goals I had didn’t even have a chance to come to fruition. I did get the website appearance updated, finished off Season 5 of AVGN episode reviews, and took care of a few other things but on a whole nost other things took a back seat to what all had gone on through the month between work and needing a break from some things for a while.
Still, we’re “back in action” as you could say here. This month I’m not setting any real goals – I’m just “going with the flow” and seeing what happens. I can say for sure that this week we’re in I’m working to, for the fun of it, knock out all 5 episodes of AVGN Season 6 because I think that would just be fun to do. Quite possibly by the end of 2020 I could be up to “current” on the series, which is a wild thing to think about, but more on that in the future. Otherwise, I’ll just work on things as I feel the urge to.
Of course all the previous, infinitely delayed things I’ve said I’d like to get to I’d still want to, but that’s just a matter of me making the time and having the urge to do it. We’ll see how it all goes.
More to come, as always.