Last week I made it a goal to cover all of AVGN Season 6 within a 5 day period. This was, by far, the shortest “season” of the Nerd, at only 5 episodes, and worked out perfectly to an episode each day. I completed this goal and pushed myself into what I consider the “Modern” era of AVGN.
Season 6, as mentioned above, was only 5 episodes, spanning from the middle of 2011 to the end of the year — following this there would be a 6 month gap where James was doing the principal filming for The Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie and these 5 episodes were our last regular uploads for a while. Coming off the two episodes a month production rate of Season 4 and the average once a month episode rate for Season 5, Season 6 felt almost like the end of the series for a while due to the simple lack of content. What content we got, however, was honestly pretty good when you look back on it.

Again, it was only 5 episodes, but they were some choice ones. The Making of a Nerd Episode will always be one of my favorites simply for how in depth James goes into the process, at the time, of making a straightforward episode. Kid Kool was a more laid back episode, but it had a great charm to it, especially with the 7 sins of bad game design rant. Nintendo World Championships was certainly a high point in the series, and for someone like me who, at the time, was also a fan of Pat The NES Punk it was wonderful to see a real crossover between the two, and see the incredible contrast between the Nerd and Pat as characters play out the way it did. For Halloween we had Dark Castle, a pretty average episode, I’ll admit, but still one which had character to it. Finishing up we had Bible Games III, a nice send off to the many religious themed games that James had covered in previous years.
A short season, but a solid one for what it was. I guess one could say James really wanted to give fans a few more top notch episodes before the break for production of the film. Sure, it was only a 6 month period, but it felt like forever as a fan. Of course, as follows is the complete Season 6 video, but something to keep in mind is that for purposes of balancing out DVD releases (I guess, anyway) this video begins with the Spielberg Games episode from Season 5. Take it for what it is and just enjoy!
More to come, as always.
Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 102: The Making of an Angry Video Game Nerd Episode – 5.0
Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 103: Kid Kool – 4.0
Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 104: Nintendo World Championships – 4.5
Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 105: Dark Castle – 3.5
Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 106: Bible Games III – 4.5