Okay, I’m sure you probably didn’t or, at the very least could “take or leave them,” but regardless of how you feel on the subject that multi-year overdue goal I had of shoving the most obvious content of all on this website – classic video game reviews – is finally happening. Probably. Most likely. I think. I hope.
I think I’ve finally got it all “figured out” as to how I want to go about this, and it’s been so damn long since I really just sat back and played some old games (beyond testing stuff at work) that I think I may really have fun with the entire process. I’ve got time, I’ve got the energy and the drive to actually do it, I just need to get around to actually creating something.
Granted, I did that a few years ago, with reviews of Captain Skyhawk and Super Mario Bros. on the NES, but those reviews are so, well, outdated, that they aren’t even worth considering as being part of the same review project. I’ve got an entirely new plan which, yes, is still based on the same review system I’ve always had, but modernized, to say the least. Beyond that, I’ve got images made and a few games targeted as the “first wave” of reviews to write. Again, this will mainly just be Atari 2600, Intellivision and Colecovision stuff, for now: It’s easy stuff to cover, I genuinly love that era of gaming, and I feel it’s one that, in the past 10 years, has been buried again, much as it was in the 90’s and early 2000’s, and it’s time someone who really loves the subject goes back and gives a fresh look at those games that lived their lives before I was even born.
Other systems will come soon enough, but yeah, for now we’re keeping things about as old-school as they come. With all that said, well, more to come, as always.