It’s the end of the month once again, which means another look at the upcoming free games on the Xbox One and Xbox 360 via the Games with Gold program. This time, unlike last month, we do get the traditional video, so I can actually cover these games in the same style as I normally do — basing my reactions off of what I already know about the games and what is presented in the video.
Opening up on the Xbox One we have V-Rally 4 and Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr.
We open with V-Rally 4. Oh god, another racing game? Seriously? How many of these are out there, and how many are going to be part of the Games With Gold program? No, I really want to know, because I’m honestly kind of tired of them. Like, really kind of tired of them. Sure, it’s Rally Cross racing, a style I’m more okay with, but it’s getting old every other month having at least one racing game it seems. I don’t care about cars – 40 realistic actual vehicles means precisely fuck all to me. Do other Xbox fans really care this much about racing games, or is this just the best Microsoft can muster that a company will give away? I’m sure it’s a fine game but enough is enough…
Then comes Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr. We’ll just call this one Warhammer for this section. I’m familiar with the universe and think it’s kind of neat, but I don’t know if I’ll give this one a go or not. I’m not a real fan of the series (nor do I dislike It — I just don’t care enough either way) so I feel like it would be somewhat lost on me. Yeah, the gameplay looks cool, but will I appreciate it as much as a hardcore fan of the series would? I dunno.
On the Xbox 360 we have Sensible World of Soccer and Overlord II.
Okay, amazingly I’m actually familiar with the Sensible Soccer series (thanks Kim Justice) and understand its history and how popular it is in Europe. I’m actually kind of looking forward to this as a bit of a throwback to those older early computer sports titles (we’re talking the Commodore Amiga and Atari ST here) and it looks like, on a whole, it will be a genuinely fun game to try out!
Lastly is Overlord II. Okay, some sort of fantasy action game where you, I think, control some horde of minions? Okay, that looks wild enough to be fun. Looks like the game doesn’t take itself too seriously, either — something we need, I’d say, given the state of things today.
That’s really it. It’s a bit of a mixed bag again, nothing that jumps out at me. I hate to say it, but this is a pretty weak month coming up. Will I redeem the games? Of course, but let’s be clear — these licenses are just going to rot in my digital library, most likely.