Over the past year or so my “office” in one room of the house has become pretty much nothing but storage, and in the process my Macintosh systems as well as a few other Windows machines of varying vintages have been effectively inaccessible. Over the past week some work has been done on that room (it’s now neither storage nor office) and many of the machines in that room — namely my Power Mac G5 and my Mac Pro — have taken up new residency in some recently cleared space in the living room, a room which, ironically, was rarely “lived” in.
This, of course, means these machines are in a place where I can really use and enjoy them again, and I spent much of today taking some time to get a few things done with them. Primarily set up the Mac Pro and the G5 on their shared desk, but also do some major Windows updates to a few of the laptops I’ve had over the past few years. I know, nothing exciting — they are normal Windows machines from the past 9 years or so, but they are all 3 usable and I’d like to restore them to as good a condition as they can be for whatever use I may have for them going forward.
This also gives me space to set up the Windows 2000 machine, if I wanted to, as well as a great many other systems I have lying around which are certainly overdue for at least being tested, if not used in some capacity. Of course I fully acknowledge that I have too many computers in my collection and really need to slim it down — that’s on the agenda for sure, but for now I’m in a stage where I can at least use and enjoy them, for what unique trait each one brings to the table. Much like game consoles, older computers of a certain type (especially old Macintosh systems) are quite unique and each one, or at least one from a given time period, will provide something different to have fun with.
I also realize I’ve neglected to do detailed entries on quite a few of my machines, including the aforementioned Mac Pro — I’m hoping to get to more of those in the upcoming week or two as I make time to cover some of the never ending backlog. Who knows, maybe I’ll start covering classic computer games and related software. I think that would be neat, but then again, as our friend Max would say, I’m a “freakin’ nerd.”
More to come, as always.