You know the drill – new month, new games to look at with the Xbox Games with Gold program. The Xadara tradition continues with what looks like a pretty okay month. Let’s get going.
On the Xbox One we have Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse and Coffee Talk.
Okay, another Shantae game. Cool, I still haven’t gotten around to playing any of these but I’m down for having an assortment of them in my collection to play whenever I get the urge. They look genuinely fun and as I’ve said before seem well regarded so count this as a postive for me.
Then we have Coffee Talk. This looks like one of those indie titles done by someone who likes those monster girl manga and anime series a little too much. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but this reeks of the kind of “slice of life” crap that just bores me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s probably a good experience — it looks damn nice — but I just don’t see myself getting that invested in this. I could be wrong though, but I doubt I’ll fire this one up, sadly.
On the Xbox 360 side of things we have another original Xbox game and one 360 title. Nice. In this case, they are Destroy All Humans! and SINE MORA.
Ah yes, Destroy all Humans, a game I wanted for my PS2 for forever and never did get to check out. I do believe they’ve given us sequels to this game previously in the GWG lineup but it will be awesome to have the first game to finally play around with. I can’t say much other than it looks like a fun time and I’ll certainly be checking this one out come June 1st.
Lastly we have SINE MORA. Okay, this is cool because I’ve actually played this one before! In this case it was Sine Mora EX, a later re-release of the game and I gotta say it was damn fun. A bit challenging, sure – it’s not a bullet hell kind of game but it isn’t forgiving, at least for me, but damned if it isn’t fun to play. I’m actually quite excited to have it coming to my game library and will likely play it quite a bit once its available.
And that’s that. Not a bad month — actually I like most of what’s here, but Coffee Talk has to be the weak end of things this month. Ah well, can’t win them all. At least there’s not a single racing game this month!!!!! I’m damn glad for that.
More to come next month.