If you’ve visited the site before, you know I like to update the look of things from time to time. That’s common – everyone does that, be it an individual and one of their social media accounts or a business completely rebranding itself (like Intel did recently.)
In my case, I wanted to freshen up the look of this site. I also wanted to implement a new set of “generic” banners and images to cut down on gallery clutter and better articulate what a given article may be about, all with a constant theme.
To that end, I chose a bit more of a “retro” style (yes, I just used that word, bear with me, I am using it appropriately here) and went with a green terminal typeface much like an old computer monitor would have for both these generic images and the site header. Quite eye catching, and it fits with the vintage tech aesthetic I have going on, without it being obnoxiously “in your face” like some websites are with it. coughLGRcough. This site isn’t just a gateway to other locations but a location in and of itself, and it’s being treated like such. Form follows function here – not the other way around.
With that said, I also took the “blue grid” banner style I’ve been using for the past while and adapted it to the background as well. It’s a bit heavy on the contrast (I really wish Frontier had a “dark” theme version) but it works for what it is, and works damn well with the static page plugin I have installed — finally, load times on this site aren’t absolute garbage!
This all kind of came together over the past week and a half – the other week I did the generic banner formatting, and today I did the site header and background update. I like what I’ve got going here and while I may tweak it down the line, for now it’s pretty solid and I hope to continue with this general look for some time.
It’s in some ways minor stuff, but I take a sense of pride in what I’ve created here, and feel it worth sharing if only for the interest of other bloggers and my regular readers.
With that said, more to come, as always.