The Xbox Series X And Xbox Series S: So Much To Say, So Little Time

I had no idea the other day when Microsoft announced the Xbox Series S that so much information would be put out in such a short time regarding not only the S, but the final price of the X (499, as I and others expected once the S was announced) but also the launch date of November 10th for both systems.

It goes without saying there has been an incredible amount of talk online about these systems, mostly good but some criticisms. I for one am actually quite impressed, but even then am still doing my best to take a realistic look at everything.

With that said, I want to take a few days to let all the information come out (at least the first “surge” of it) and really let it all sink in. I want to really formulate my thoughts before I comment on a whole, and also gauge the generally commentary from the masses, to contrast my points with. It’s traditionally how I operate, but I wanted to express that I’m not trying to rush into things here.

Again, I really like what I see, but I know as well as any reasonable “journalist” (even one who is a self-proclaimed digital renegade as I am) will try to bide what time they can to create a valuable article on a subject, rather than do what the internet desires and just write about whatever with no thought behind it.

To that end, expect me to really touch on things if not Thursday evening then Friday for sure.

More to come, as always.

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