I know, I know – it’s the beginning of December, but the Halloween 2013 episode of The Angry Video Game Nerd is what’s next in the queue, so it’s what we’re looking at today.
The episode opens with a plug for Monster Madness, the annual Cinemassacre Halloween event which would have been underway when this episode was first published. Following that, and the introduction we get a small primer on the Alien film series and how influential it was to gaming in its early days, leading to the actual Alien game we got on NES — Alien 3, based on the divisive film of the same name (hence the Monster Madness plug in the beginning.)

This is a game I actually played as a kid — at least, rented it, thinking it was great. It was not, and after seeing this episode I can see why all those years ago I had such a poor time with it.
It’s one of those games that seems to have a little bit of everything going wrong for it — poor controls, annoying camera, an overly strict time limit and for those who are particular to accuracy to the film, it doesn’t even do that well.
At least it has good music, but the gameplay in and of itself, as is traditional for most games covered by the Nerd. There’s just a ton wrong here, and James spends the episode pretty well covering it, as best I can see. One frustration after another making the game an infuriating mess.
Final Rating: 3.0/5
It’s an alright episode. Nothing too special, but nothing really detracts from it either. It’s 10 minutes of much more traditional Nerd, with a bit of an over-the-top parody ending.
Not much to say on this one.