It’s the 8th day of Shitsmas, and today we have another movie based game. Incidentally, however, this game is not published by LJN – no, Ocean took the reigns of this one and did a perfectly average job. The game in question is Lethal Weapon on the NES.
Yeah, after introducing what the Lethal Weapon film series is about, the Nerd demonstrates the game and has nothing much major to say about it. While, granted, it does have its own eccentricities (like kicking helicopters in mid flight) it’s really nothing much different from any other video game.

It was a later release in the NES life span so it’s comparatively basic, but again, nothing really bad. The Nerd does question how to change characters, which he discovers is done by literally walking off the screen to make the other player character become active! Yeah, that’s a bit different.
This is all actually just a set up for the joke of the Nerd walking off screen for Mike Matei to continue playing the game — recall that in the AVGN Universe “Mike” doesn’t actually exist as a person. That’s literally the payoff for this episode, as per the episode commentary, so, yeah, it works. It works well.
Final Rating: 3.5/5