It’s the 12th and final day of Shitsmas and, as hinted at in the previous video the final gift the Nerd opens is a product by LJN. This time it isn’t just a game, but an entire game system! Well, not quite — it’s more of an early computer graphics device.
Of course, it’s bad. Very bad. When compared to other pieces of art software, be they the NES game Color a Dinosaur, Microsoft Paint in Windows 95, or the legendary Mario Paint on SNES — they all do things better than LJN Video Art.
The Nerd rips into this one pretty thoroughly, comparing and contrasting it to the above and, even giving it the benefit of the doubt for the time it was made in (1987) he still finds it a poor product — as a kid he would have been quite frustrated with it, I’m certainly.
That really is all, at core value, there is to this episode – the comparison of this primitive art device to what would come just a few years later and how much better (in varying degrees) those products would be.

It ends with a question about why we focus so much on the more negative aspects of our past, rather than the positive ones — after all, this mini-series was designed to be reminiscent of the experience of getting terrible gaming presents as children — but in the end he validates the idea, in so far as these episodes and, in a sense, the Nerd series in general, as it being a chance to get some good out of these otherwise negative experiences.
Final Rating: 4.0/5
This one was certainly unexpected, to say the least. A really nice way to end the 12 episode, hour long plus marathon.