Wow, could I be any later with this entry? Seriously, this is two weeks overdue, but I’d rather cover it now than just skip it completely! In a funny case I originally delayed this due to Microsoft announcing the games lineup earlier than I expected, but not having a video released until right near the end of January, once I was well deep into other projects.
Ah well, I’m getting to it now so, let’s take a look at what we’ve got. Looks to be quite the interesting month that we’re already halfway through…
This time we’re getting 3 Xbox One / Xbox Series X/S games – Gears 5, Resident Evil, and Dandara.
I’m not the biggest fan of the Gears of War series, but I’ve got most of, if not all the games in the series, so, well, naturally this will be added to the roster. Who knows, I may marathon these sometime.
Also through February we have Resident Evil – a remaster of the classic title best known on the PlayStation. Being quite honest, I couldn’t care less — I don’t much like Resident Evil, on a whole, and even upgraded I still don’t have interest in playing it. Still, of course, I’ve claimed my copy because I do that with everything I can.
Lastly, on the later half of February we have Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition. Okay, this looks interesting. Quite the (to use the word appropriately) retro game, although the usage in the video of the phrase “Metroidvania” kills me. It’s probably cool, but it does have that “typical” look about it that so many games of this nature do… so, take it for what you will – if it’s a style you like, great, but for me, I’m a little tired of every “pixel art” game looking identical, and all seeming to share the same design base, as if they are all made by the same people.
On what they are now calling the “Classic lineup” of Xbox / Xbox 360 titles we get Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb followed by Xbox 360 title, Lost Planet 2.
Indiana Jones? Eh, I could take or leave it. Looks like it might be fun, as most games in the Games with Gold lineup do, but who knows. I’ll give it a try sometime, but I’m somewhat just not feeling playing Xbox titles on the Xbox One. Doesn’t quite feel right to me.
Lastly we have Lost Planet 2. I don’t know much about this series – I think I own a copy of the first game, but I’ve not played it. Perhaps this will be incentive to play it, that is, if I ever get around to actually playing anything anymore.
That’s really that. I don’t have too much to say here. The whole 5 games vs 4 thing is nice, but I wonder if this will be a normal thing going forward or if it’s just for this month. Either way, I’m happy with the selection, I guess.